Bequest, donation, life insurance

Bequest, donation, life insurance : a gift for future generations

The Paris National Opera needs you; you can support its missions by sending a bequest, a donation or the proceeds of a life insurance to the Paris Opera. By choosing to entrust all or part of your property to the Paris National Opera, you confirm the privileged relation you have with our institution; you choose to offer sustainable support to its lyrical and choreographic activities; you enable it to showcase its values of artistic excellence.

The Fides Circle gathers donors wishing to support the activities of the Paris National Opera in a sustainable way, through a bequest, a gift or the proceeds of a life insurance. This Circle enables generous donors who wish to have a privileged relation with our institution, and, as baton passers, to pass on their passion for opera and ballet to future generations.



Testator Relations Manager
Philanthropy and Major Donors division

Phone: +33 (0)1 58 18 65 15


A legacy of trust: your donations commit us


As a non-profit organization, the Arop operates a rigorous accounting system. It publishes an annual activity report which is sent to all its members and sponsors, and its accounts are audited annually by independent auditors who certify its accounting documents.


The Arop ensures that the wishes of its donors are carried out, and that every gesture of generosity is used as effectively as possible for the chosen project. Its longevity and experience over more than 40 years enable it to assume these commitments over the long term, for the benefit of the Opéra national de Paris.


The Arop offers free, no-obligation support for your transfer project, thanks to a dedicated team of professionals. Our aim is to help you prepare your succession as smoothly as possible. Your request will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, as quickly as possible and in compliance with the law.

Special thanks


Rita Farivar
Sam R. Freck
Anne Gestin
Leonard M. Levie
Laurent Petizon
Olli Marius Turpeinen
Renaud Velin

Your questions, our responses

Why should I transfer everything or part of my legacy to the Paris Opera?

By transferring your legacy to the Paris Opera you support creativity and show you believe in its future; you enable the training of tomorrow's artists and stars; you favor the opening of its two theaters, the Garnier Palace and the Bastille Opera, to a constantly growing public. Your commitment to us enables us to fulfill our missions with the highest standards.  

Is my legacy big enough for a bequest?

There is no minimum amount to give for a bequest, donation or life insurance. Actually, this gesture is priceless. .

What can I bequeath?

It is possible to bequeath any type of property: money, real estate (apartment, land ...), movable property (furniture, jewel, artwork ...), securities, shares, bonds, SICAV funds, mutual fund, life insurance contract, etc.

How can I avoid prejudicing my children?

If you have rightful heirs (rightful heir: living or represented child, or a spouse if there is no child), a share of your wealth is theirs as of right. The bequest and donation to the Paris National Opera can thus only relate to the remaining part, also known as the available share, which is totally exempted from inheritance tax.

How can I support the Paris Opera while I am alive without transferring my legacy?

Just opt for a "temporary transfer of beneficial ownership." You will keep the bare ownership of your property and allow the Paris National Opera to collect the income (rents, interest, dividends ...). This option offers tax benefits.

How will my bequest be used?

It will be used to fund the activities and develop the projects of the Paris National Opera in full respect of your choice. Indeed, it is possible to make a bequest or donation for a particular project. If the testator has not mentioned a particular wish, the donation will be used by AROP according to the priorities of the Paris National Opera.

How to bequeath?

Just draft a handwritten will, date and sign it, but it is always better to consult a notary who will check, if there is no error in the will that could lead to its nullity. The notary chosen by the testator is the notary who handles the estate. The notary can equally help you make a donation, or advise you regarding the subscription to a life insurance policy on behalf of the Paris National Opera.