Tax reduction of 66% on the Income Tax (IRPP)
In accordance with the provisions of the Law of 1 August 2003, donors who are taxable in France can benefit from a tax reduction on the income tax (IRPP) of 66% of the amount of their donation within the annual limit of 20% of taxable income. If the 20% of income cap is exceeded, the profit of the reduction can be carried forward to the next five years.
Beneficiary organizations eligible for this scheme:
Arop (Association pour le Rayonnement de l’Opéra national de Paris),
Fronp (Fondation pour le Rayonnement de l’Opéra national de Paris).
Tax reduction of 75% on the Property Tax (IFI)
In accordance with the 2018 Finance Law, donors who are taxable in France can benefit from a tax reduction on the Property Tax (IFI) of 75% of the amount of their donation within the annual limit of €50,000.
Beneficiary organization eligible for this scheme:
Fronp (Foundation for the Promotion of the Opéra National de Paris).
Tax reduction for donors who are taxable in a European country
Those who are taxable in one of the nineteen European Transnational Giving Europe member countries wishing to make a donation to Arop can benefit from the tax reductions in their country of taxation through a local partner foundation of the TGE network (1).
Tax reduction for donors who are taxable in the United States
Donors taxable in the United States can benefit from US tax benefits available to cultural patrons by donating to the American Friends of the Paris Opera and Ballet (501c3) (2).
(1) Information at or contact us for any information
(2) Information at or contact us for any information