Cultural event — Projections

Screening: "Dancing Pina" by Florian Heinzen-Ziob

30 May. 2024

  • Studio Bastille

Dancing Pina celebrates the artistic work of Pina Bausch and the people who are still dedicated to perpetuating it today.

The Semperoper in Dresden, Germany, and the École des Sables near Dakar in Senegal: these projects by the Pina Bausch Foundation show how a young generation of dancers from all over the world are rediscovering Pina Bausch's choreography. Under the direction of former members of her company, they study Iphigenie auf Tauris and Das Frühlingsopfer. The dancers have to make Pina Bausch's choreographies their own in their own bodies and with their own stories.

  • 19:30