© Julien Benhamou OnP
The Academy
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Tel: 01 58 18 65 15 Contact by emailSharing, education, and creation are the three main aspects of the Paris Opera Academy's mission. With Vocational Training at one end of its spectrum and Artistic Education at the other one, the Academy strives to support young artists in learning their trades and allows students from kindergarten to university to actively discover the world of opera and ballet.
Directors and choreographers from very different backgrounds are invited to offer a new interpretation of pieces from the repertoire, both for artists in residence and for students, as part of their artistic and cultural education journey.
With its programming for young audiences, each season the Academy opens its doors to nearly 20,000 spectators of all ages. With guidance for teachers and personnel from the Opera , young audiences are introduced to the art of opera and ballet.
Diverse educational programs offered by the Academy are grouped around three areas of discovery: professions are explored through meetings with artists and professionals from the Opera, pieces from the repertoire are introduced through access to performances, rehearsals or recordings, and venues are presented as part of visits to theaters and behind-the-scenes experiences.
The transmission of artistic expertise is central to the Paris Opera Academy’s mission. Each season, the Academy provides residencies for young artists in complement to their training.
Some thirty artists from around the world – singers, chorus masters, instrumentalists, and stage directors – come to the Paris Opera to refine their skills over the course of two or three seasons.
Under the aegis of Paris Opera professionals, guest conductors, and renowned stage directors, these artists in residence are immersed in every aspect of stage production right at the heart of our institution. They perform a varied program of operas, concerts, and recitals, both in our theaters Professional training in 23/24 and out in the community, drawing from a wide variety of repertoire.
The 24/25 Season marks the return of artisan residences at the Academy. For one season, young craftspeople will have the opportunity to hone their practice in the Paris Opera studios, by working side by side with professionals employed at the Opera. In this immersive program in the Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille workshops, the residents will learn the finer points of hair and makeup in the context of Paris Opera productions, as well as costume creation in the presence of visiting artistic teams. By transmitting their practice of excellence to these young professionals, the Opera’s craftspeople will thus be able to ensure the longevity of their crafts and their exceptional bodies of knowledge.
artists in residence› 12 singers
› 4 chorus master-pianists
› 9 musicians
› 2 opera conductors
› 1 stage director
opera productions7
concerts and recitals at the Olivier Messiaen AmphitheaterARTISTIC EDUCATION
Every season, the Paris Opera Academy’s artistic and cultural education programs make it possible to actively explore the world of opera and ballet for some 20,000 individuals from many backgrounds: children enrolled in priority education zones, young adults and university students, apprentices, hospitalized individuals and caregivers, people with disabilities, and adults in social inclusion programs. Through these diverse programs, as well as a special program for young audiences, the Paris Opera Academy is committed to ensuring that the world of opera is accessible to all. The objective is to share the liberating power of this multifaceted artform.
In partnership with 11 music conservatories in the Paris region, this program’s aim is to encourage middle- and high-schoolers to develop their orchestral music skills in the context of opera orchestra training and gain a sense for opera and ballet repertoire. With a long-term mission, these youth orchestras exist to encourage conservatory students to pursue their training all the way to the professional level, thereby diversifying the social and cultural makeup of opera orchestras.
LE SERMENT DE L’OPÉRA (“The Operatic Vow”)
“Le Serment de l’Opéra” was introduced in September 2022 in partnership with the Public Hospitals of Paris, the Quinze‑Vingts Eye Hospital of Paris, the Sainte-Anne Hospital Group, and the Atelier Cognaqc-Jay. Its purpose is to open the world of opera and ballet to those in healthcare settings – both caregivers and patients – making all the feelings and sensations of live performance available via guided tours of the Opera and tailored workshops in artistic practice.
In partnership with 15 apprentice training centers in the Paris region and French Guiana, workshops on artistic practice are integrated into the students’ classroom training curriculum. The program includes field trips and discussions with an array of artists and craftspeople, allowing the trainees to gain transverse skills that will complement their specialized training, all while exploring new professional horizons.
DIX MOIS D’ÉCOLE ET D’OPÉRA (DMEO, “Ten Months at School and the Opera”)
In partnership with the French public school system, “Dix Mois d’École et d’Opéra” offers a yearlong experience to 39 classes of different ages, who will have the opportunity to discover opera and ballet. Following the success of the program over the past 30 years in Paris region public schools, it has been expanded to the regions of greater Paris, Corse, Centre-Val de Loire and Normandie.
participants in our artistic and cultural education programming17,000
viewers attending performances through the Young Audiences program150
adolescent music students in two orchestras in the ADO PROGRAM - “APPRENTISSAGE DE L’ORCHESTRE”80
patients and caregivers participating in the “Serment de l’Opéra” program500
apprentices participating in the “OpérApprentis” program1,100
school children enrolled in the “Dix Mois d’École et d’Opéra” program200
young people and adults included in the “L’Opéra Pour Moi Aussi” programYOUR TAX BENEFITS
A tax break of 66% on the personal income tax or 75% on the wealth tax.
Click here to learn about tax benefits available to donors with tax residence in France and abroad.
Mécène Fondateur de l'Académie de l'Opéra
Mécène Fondateur de l'Académie de l'Opéra
Mécène des programmes d'éducation artistique de l'Académie
Mécène d'OpérApprentis
Mécène des programmes pédagogiques
Mécène d'ADO (Apprentissage De l’Orchestre)
Cercle Carpeaux