Audiovisual and digital projects

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By developing audiovisual and digital programs to reach audiences beyond its theaters, the Paris Opera is always innovating to find ways to touch people from around the world and all walks of life. Through social media and development of new digital and audiovisual projects, the Opera is creating a vibrant international presence and enriching the dialogue with future generations.

The Paris Opera’s approach to audiovisual and digital programs arises from the drive to bring opera and dance to wider and more diverse audiences. By broadcasting performances on television and radio, in movie theaters, via streaming services, and in outdoor screenings during the “Opéra d’Été” (“Summer Opera”) initiative, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2023, the Paris Opera comes to those who cannot reach its theaters. These same initiatives offer new ways for audience members who have been to the Opera to continue to enjoy the experience.

Last March saw the launch of Paris Opera Play (POP), accessible both in France and internationally for all types of screens. This new platform offers numerous live recordings and exclusive multimedia content, promising to become a touchstone in the realm of streaming platforms for accessing stage performance.


recordings of performances, concerts, operas, and ballets streamed live in 23/24


productions available on the online platform POP, Paris Opera Play


years of Opera performance screenings in heritage sites around France, through the “Opéra d’Été” program


performances available with audiodescription in the 23/24 Season

Discover the Cercle Pop!


Tax reduction of 66% on Individual Income Tax or 75% on Real Estate Wealth Tax.

Find out about the tax measures available to taxable donors in France and abroad by clicking here.

  • Claire Waquet
  • Pierre Pringuet
  • Antoine Rostand
  • Valérie Boas
  • Nicole Gay
  • Eric Mettler
  • Pierre et Elena Tattevin
  • Thomas Tchen
  • Jean-Pierre Varon
  • Some donors wished not to be mentioned.
  • Adobe

    Partenaire de la création numérique


    Partenaire des créations originales de POP

  • Fondation Orange

    Mécène des retransmissions audiovisuelles de l'Opéra