The Circle

The Cercle de l'Académie

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Tel: 01 58 18 65 15

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The Cercle de l’Académie brings together philanthropists who wish to support the professional training mission of the Académie de l’Opéra. By becoming a member of the Cercle de l’Académie, you can follow the careers of the artists and craftspeople in residence and support them as they embark on their professional careers!

By joining the Cercle de l’Académie, you can help thousands of people discover the world of the Paris Opera every season! The Cercle de l’Académie brings together philanthropists who wish to support the artistic and cultural education programs of the Opera Academy, which transform art into a means of finding personal freedom and shaping connections among individuals from different social spheres.

By helping to make the art of opera and choreography accessible to all, you are taking part in an educational project with a proven social impact.

The Paris Opera year-round, with an array of exclusive services
A privileged audience experience that includes a priority ticketing service and exclusive seating, ideal flexibility for performance reservations, access to private lounges at the Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille, as well as priority access to AROP evenings and gala events.

Behind-the-scenes access and a unique view of life at the Opera
Invitations to exclusive events with opera performers and craftspeople in residence, as well as guided tours and other events in conjunction with the major programming events occurring throughout the season.

A unique view of the approaches to artistic and cultural education the Paris Opera Academy
Invitations to discussions of instructional programs, as well as chances to meet the professionals involved in Academy initiatives, and guided tours and other events in conjunction with the major programming events occurring throughout the season.

See your name appear in Paris Opera and AROP publications, both in print and online (opera and (ballet programs, brochures, websites).


Tax reduction of 66% on IRPP or 75% on IFI.

Find out about the tax measures available to taxable donors in France and abroad by clicking here

  • Jean et Anne-Marie Burelle
  • Martine Cligman
  • Jean-François Dubos
  • Isabelle Ealet-Corbani
  • Flavia et Barden Gale
  • Maura Helena Gonzaga
  • Tuulikki Janssen
  • Philippe et Karine Journo
  • Andrew J. Martin-Weber
  • Sabine Masquelier
  • Charles et Marianne Ruggieri
  • Jean Audenis
  • Véronique et Antoine Le Bourgeois
  • François-Xavier Chauchat
  • Claudio et Renata Garcia
  • Emmanuel Goldstein
  • Pierre et Helle Liautaud
  • Xavier Melin
  • Guilherme Peirao Leal
  • Eric de Rothschild
  • Raoul et Melvina Salomon
  • Guy Zarzavatdjian
  • Sonia Regina de Alvares Otero Fernandes
  • Alain Belda Fernandez
  • Patrice de Camaret
  • Laura Dias Leite
  • Aimée Dubos Chantemesse
  • Michel Germain
  • Sébastien Grandin
  • Gary et Jeanne Ianziti
  • Hamylton Padilha
  • Thomas Pearsall et Rio Howard
  • Agnès Schweitzer
  • Fondation Cabestan
  • The Paris Opera would also like to thank the donors of the Matinée "Rêve d'enfants".
  • Some donors preferred to remain anonymous.
  • Fondation Engie

    Mécène Fondateur de l'Académie de l'Opéra

  • Natixis

    Mécène Fondateur de l'Académie de l'Opéra


    Mécène Fondateur de l'Opéra en Guyane

  • Fondation Total

    Mécène des programmes d'éducation artistique de l'Académie

  • The Conny-Maeva Charitable Foundation

    Mécène d'OpérApprentis

  • Fondation Eloise Susanna Gale

    Mécène des programmes pédagogiques

  • Grow Annenberg

    Mécène de la Matinée Rêve d'enfants

  • Fondation Signature

    Fondation Signature

    Mécène des artistes en résidence

  • Fondation Terrévent

    Mécène d'ADO (Apprentissage De l’Orchestre)

  • Cercle Carpeaux

    Cercle Carpeaux

  • Arop

    Association pour le Rayonnement de l'Opéra national de Paris


    Fondation pour le Rayonnement de l'Opéra national de Paris


    American Friends of the Paris Opera and Baller