© Julien Benhamou OnP
The Circle
The Cercle Noverre
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Your contact
Pôle Grands donateurs et Philanthropie
Responsable du Pôle philanthropie
Tel: 01 58 18 65 15 Contact by emailWhen you become a part of the Cercle Noverre, you are embarking on a humanistic and artistic adventure!
The Cercle Noverre was named for the famed ballet master and founder of modern ballet Jean‑Georges Noverre (1727-1810). It brings together aficionados of classical and contemporary ballet who wish to provide support for the choreographic development of the Paris Opera.
Every season, the Cercle Noverre supports two new ballet productions, thus giving rise to new opportunities for the Company to enrich its repertoire.
Supported productions in 24/25
MARCH 27 › APRIL 18, 2025
OCD Love
Choreographer Sharon Eyal
Choreographer Mats Ek
MAY 8 › JUNE 4, 2025
Choreographer Manuel Legris

The Paris Opera year-round, with an array of exclusive services
A privileged audience experience that includes a priority ticketing service and exclusive seating, ideal flexibility for performance reservations, access to private lounges at the Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille, as well as priority access to AROP evenings and gala events.
Behind-the-scenes access and a unique view of life at the Opera
Invitations to attend both stage and studio rehearsals at the Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille, chances to meet a wide range of artists (dancers, choreographers, artistic teams), as well as guided tours and other events in conjunction with the major programming events occurring throughout the season.
See your name appear in Paris Opera and AROP publications, both in print and online (opera and ballet programs, brochures, websites).
Tax reduction of 66% on Individual Income Tax or 75% on Wealth Tax.
Find out about the tax measures available to taxable donors in France and abroad by clicking here.